11 Amazing Home Remedies for Bedwetting

Bed-wetting is a problem that is generally associated with infants and small children. Till 5 years of age, about 2 out of every 10 children faced the problem.

Boys are more likely to affect by the problem as compared to girls. It is said those who wet their bed may have a small bladder and thus can’t control their bladder all night. It can also be the result of some bladder infection or diabetes.

Cranberry Juice

You can give your child a glass of cranberry juice about an hour before going to bed. It is a simple but effective home remedy for bed-wetting.

Walnut leaves

Give your child two walnut halves with a teaspoon of raisins and give this to him before retiring to bed at night. This is one of the effective home remedies for bedwetting.

Home Remedies for Bedwetting
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Home Remedies for Bedwetting

Bathroom Habits

You should take your child to the bathroom before going to the bed. If you are sure that his urinary bladder is empty let him sleep. You can also tell your child not to delay going to the bathroom and always keep the urinary bladder empty.


You can take some barks of cinnamon and chew them properly. You can do this once a day as it is a wonderful home remedy for bedwetting.

Mustard Powder

Take some mustard powder and add it to a cup of milk. Give this mixture to your child at night before going to bed. This will stop the problem of bedwetting. One of the simple home remedies for bedwetting.


Some therapists suggest massaging the bladder well as it will definitely prove beneficial. You can massage for 15 seconds many times a day to get beneficial results. The method will tone up the muscles of the bladder and also provides the ability to hold and control the micturation to the child.

Eating Habits

Some surveys say that one should take dairy products like eggs, soy, and caffeine in any edible form as they will work as diuretics but remember they should not be taken in excess. Junk food like chocolates and cold drinks should be avoided as it helps to control bedwetting.

Herbal Tea

You can take some herbs like horsetail, corn silk, Zea Mays, and lemon balm. Mix them all well. Now, collect about 2-3 handfuls of this mixture and add it to a cup of boiling water in a pan. Cover the pan with a lid. Leave it overnight.

From the next day, give ½ cup of this tea 3 times a day to the child but it should be given about 1 or ½ hour before going to bed. It is one of the finest home remedies for bedwetting.

Orange Blossom Honey

You can give your baby herbal orange blossom honey at night before going to bed as it will help to stop bedwetting.


Banana is a helpful remedy for bedwetting. One should intake about 2-3 bananas daily to cure the problem.


Those who have a habit to drink milk at night before going to bed are found more prone to bedwetting. So, avoid drinking milk at night you can drink milk in the morning at breakfast or you can also drink this about 3 hours before sleep.

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