Insomnia refers to the inability of a human body to sleep. It refers to the disorder in sleep. The person suffering from insomnia may not be able to sleep, wake up early, and do other combinations. Insomnia is experienced by almost everyone in their lifetime but it is mostly seen in people of urban.
Some of the home remedies for treating insomnia are listed below:
Sesame Oil
Sesame Oil is very effective for Insomnia. Massaging the sole of feet with sesame oil helps in treating insomnia.
Mix equal quantities of sesame oil and bottle gourd and rub this mixture on your scalp so that you have a sound sleep. This is another way to cure insomnia.
Milk is one of the best home remedies for Insomnia. Drink a glass of milk with a tablespoon of honey every night before hitting the bed. You can also massage the soles of the feet with milk.
Drink a glass of water mixed with two tablespoons of honey in it. Take it before sleeping. Babies should be given half the quantity of it. This is a good home remedy to cure insomnia.
It is very helpful in insomnia. Prepare a tea of it by taking a teaspoon of aniseed and mixing it in 375ml of water. Put this in a vessel and cover it with a lid. Allow it to simmer for some time say 15 minutes. You can sweeten this with honey and milk. Take this before sleeping.
Another good herb that soothes the body is Celery. Take this herb before retiring and you will sleep soundly.
A valuable medicine for treating insomnia is rauwolfia. This is because the herb acts as a sedative. The first dose of this herb will make the person sleep. Take some quantity of powder of this herb says 0.2 to 0.5gm.
Mix it with a fragrant substance like cardamom and serve it to the patient. He will have a sound sleep. If the disease is severe, then the patient can take this medicine two times a day. One of the effective home remedies for insomnia.
Take some leaves of Indian sorrel. Make the juice of it and mix it with its oil by taking equal quantities of both. Use this mixture to massage the scalp before sleeping. This helps in cooling the brain and thus inducing sleep.
Take curd every day for curing insomnia. This is a natural home remedy.
Kava is also an effective remedy for insomnia as it reduces stress, tension, anxiety. By this, you can sleep soundly.
Cumin Seed
Mix cumin seed powder made from dry cumin seeds with ripe banana pulp is an effective home remedy for insomnia.
Some Other Tips:
- Make sure your mattress is comfortable or go for a change.
- Strict to a regular routine of sleeping hours.
- Have a bath with basil leaves mixed in water. This will help in treating insomnia.
- Another good home remedy for curing insomnia is to eat fresh vegetables and fruits like bananas.
- Avoid eating oily food at night else it will trouble you at night.
- Avoid taking products made of sugar, salt. Also, avoid chocolates.
- Excess intake of alcohol and smoking may increase the problem. So try not to smoke and drink.
- Consume low salt products like this can be very good in reducing the problem.
- Another way to cure insomnia is to meditate and indulge in stress eliminating hobbies. Spend quality time in cultivating the hobby.
- Make a schedule for exercising regularly. Do mild exercises before you retire to bed. This can make a change.
- Take fenugreek leaves juice mixed with honey before going to bed.
Disclaimer: All information available here is for educational purposes only. We do not claim to cure, prevent or treat any disease or ailments. If you have a constant health state, your symptoms are rigorous, or suspect you have a health problem. You should consult your health care provider.