Best Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting With N

Here we have made a list of Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting With N. And we hope you will like the name for your newborn child from this list.

How happy every parent gets on the arrival of their newborn. Everyone’s mind gets elated with its imagination.

The whole house has a festive atmosphere. All family members, relatives, and acquaintances celebrate happiness, this happiness begins amid this atmosphere. Search With Letter N names for boys.

A little time and care can be taken to find the right name for a child, but it can also be very fun. It is one of the first and largest decisions made as a new parent.

Are you looking for a name that speaks of family tradition or respects cultural tradition? Or do you want your son to have a unique name?

See Also This list:- Latest List of Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting With G

Take a look at this list to find your favorite names. And enjoy the experience of getting a name for your baby boy.

List of Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting With N

NameMeaning of NameGender
NaveenNew, PleasantBoy
NalinLotus, waterBoy
NakulName of Lord Shiva, name of one of the 5 PandavasBoy
NarendraLord of menBoy
NayanEyes, community, gentlemanBoy
NakshatraPearl, starBoy
NamahRespect, prayBoy
NamanGreetings, Mark, SaluteBoy
NarsimhaLion in men, extremely powerfulBoy
NarottamThe best among men, another name of Vishnu, BuddhaBoy
NavtejNew energy, new lightBoy
Navratan9 gemsBoy
NikunjAn arborBoy
NiketanHouse, HaveliBoy
Baby Boy Names Starting With N
NikhilWhole, CompleteBoy
NitinKnowledge of law, policymakerBoy
NeelThe championBoy
NimeshEyelid, Inside viewerBoy
NageshLord of snakesBoy
NavenduThe moon a night after AmavasyaBoy
NiyatIntention, The behaviorBoy
NilanMoon, beautifulBoy
NiranjanPure pleasingBoy
Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting With N 2021
NivedanOffering to god, Declaration, RequestBoy
NischalPure, Calm, FixedBoy
NihalHappy, satisfiedBoy
NihitGod’s gift, Within something, is The precious talent from God.Boy
NeeravCalm, StillBoy
NeerajLotus, Pearl, BluntBoy
NaitikEthical, GoodBoy
NandanSon, another name for Shiva and Vishnu, pleasingBoy
Nand KishorAnother name of Lord KrishnaBoy
NakeshLord of the sky, moonBoy
NakshCome nearBoy
NachiketSon of vajashravasBoy
NimitDetermined, destiny, raisedBoy
NahushName of an ancient king, ancestor of Lord RamaBoy
NikhileshGod of the worldBoy
NitishLord of the true wayBoy
NeeleshLord KrishnaBoy
NileshLord KrishnaBoy
NikeshMan who Save People, Lord Vishnu, InfiniteBoy
NagarjunaPower, Son of Lord Indra, HeroBoy
NamitModest, WorshipperBoy
NandanPleasing, Son, Celebrating, Another name for Shiva and VishnuBoy
NividVedic hymnsBoy
NisargNature, Handsome and fine-looking personBoy
NagpalSavior of serpentsBoy
NamdevLord Vishnu, SaintBoy
NaradIndian saint, Devotee of NarayanBoy
NabenduNew MoonBoy
NachikA Short form of nachiketaBoy
NaleshKings of FlowerBoy
NavjeetThe new VictoryBoy
NahulA Boy with a lot of powersBoy

We hope you liked one of the Hindu baby boy names starting with N. If you have chosen a name for your child’s name, then what is that name?

Please tell us by commenting, in addition, if you want to suggest any name, then do write to us.

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