List of Modern Hindu Boy Names Starting With P 2022

Here we have made a list of Modern Hindu boy names starting with p. And we hope you will like the name of your newborn child from this list.

When the child is born, a wave of happiness runs from parents to family members. And everyone starts calling the newborn by their respective names.

But it is a way to show everyone’s love. The real test begins when the baby boy’s name search begins.

Every parent wants the baby’s name to be very cute and different. Which is also easy to call and has a very good meaning.

In view of these problems, we have made a list of boy names starting with p here. Which will make it easier for you to find the name. And you can choose a good name with its meaning.

If you like any of the names on this list. So please be sure to tell us what name it is by writing it in a comment. And share this list with your friends.

List of Hindu Boy Names Starting with P

NameMeaning of NameGender
PuranComplete, WholeBoy
PurabEast, One directionBoy
PankajLotus, Another name for BrahmaBoy
ParamThe ultimate, Great KingBoy
ParmarthThe highest truth, salvationBoy
ParmeshwarSupreme godBoy
ParveshGod of ceremoniesBoy
ParasaraCrusher, DestroyerBoy
Hindu Boy Names Starting with P
ParijatA heavenly flowerBoy
ParinaamQuality, reward, lots ofBoy
ParvartanSense of changeBoy
ParivartRevolving spotBoy
ParishrutPopular or renownBoy
ParikshitSon of AbhimanyuBoy
PahlajFirst birthBoy
PariketAgainst the willBoy
ParijatBirth, coral jasmineBoy
ParthPrince, son of earthBoy
ParthivRoyal, king, warriorBoy
PitamberDressed in yellowBoy
Hindu Boy Names Starting with P 2021
PuneetPure, HolyBoy
PuruVery, heavenBoy
PulkitHappy, thrilled, coolBoy
PushkarBlue lotus, sky, a son of KrishnaBoy
PuranTo supplyBoy
PitamberYellow, Yellow clothBoy
PahlajBorn firstBoy
PawanveerAir warriorBoy
PavitraPure, cleanBoy
PourushThe powerfulBoy
ParvStrong, festivalBoy
ParmeshLord ShivaBoy
ParmanandJoy, happinessBoy
ParitoshSatisfaction, rewardBoy
ParichayTo introduceBoy
ParasA Touchstone, HealthyBoy
PalashA flowering tree, GreeneryBoy
PanchamFifth, Intelligent, Classical musicBoy
ParagFlower Particle, Fragrant, AttractiveBoy
PareshThe name of Brahma Ji, Supreme spiritBoy
ParikshitName of an ancient king who has been testedBoy
Prayogtest, experimentBoy
PravinSkillful, adept, proficientBoy
PraveenSkillful, adept, proficientBoy
Praveshenter, enterBoy
Prasunflower blossomBoy
Prakharconvention, sizeBoy
PremLove affectionBoy
PreetamLover loved oneBoy
Prashantpeaceful, organizedBoy
Pramaanevidence, the feeling of proving somethingBoy
Prabhatmorning, dawn, beautifulBoy
Prabhasbeauty, brilliance, brightBoy
PrabhakarBright, Sun, Radiant, God of fire, The creator of lightBoy
PranavLord Vishnu, Epithet of Shiva, BirdBoy
PranabLord Vishnu, Epithet of Shiva, BirdBoy
PrabhavLord Hanuman, Origin, Brilliance, EminentBoy
Pranjalhonest, dignified, self-respecting, softBoy
Prabodhconsciousness, awareness, adviceBoy
Pradeeplamp, dazzling, brilliantBoy
PrafullPlayfulness, happiness, blossomBoy
PrafulPlayfulness, happiness, blossomBoy
Pragyanwisdom, more knowledgeBoy
PrahladSon of Hiranyakashipu, Devotee of Lord Vishnu, AnandaBoy
Prakashlight, lightBoy
PriyanshDear, Lovely, Lovable part of someoneBoy
PramodGlory, Cheerful, JoyBoy
PraneetHumility, likable, piousBoy
PrasadGod’s blessing, gift, Devotional offeringBoy
Pratapdignity, warmthBoy
Prathamfirst, importantBoy
PrayagA pilgrimage center, the confluence of the Ganges-Yamuna-Saraswati riverBoy
Premrajking of loveBoy
Princeprince, heir of the royal familyBoy
PrithviEarth, Goddess SitaBoy
Priyanshdear, lovelyBoy
Priyanshudear, lovelyBoy

We hope you liked one of the Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting With P. If you have chosen a name for your Baby Boy, then what is that name?

Please tell us by commenting, in addition, if you want to suggest any name, then do write to us.

Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting With P Video

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