Acne is not a skin problem, it is deep-rooted inside one’s body. Nowadays, there are so many acne remedies available in the market ranging from pills, facial Acne treatments to creams, etc.
Although the market is over-flooded with such products, people prefer home remedies for acne, believing that these not only save money but also give permanent results.
What causes acne?
An unhealthy diet not only causes acne, but it is also the main cause of various health-related issues. Hence, be as careful as you can be about your dietary habits. Avoid junk foods and include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Stress may also cause acne. Thus, the simplest acne remedy is happiness. Be happy and it helps you get clear skin.
Chronic Constipation also causes acne.
What are the best home remedies for acne?
- Make a thick paste of natural yogurt and fine oatmeal. Apply it to your face and let it dry. Now, wash it with lukewarm water. This is one of the easiest and best cures for acne.
- Soaps and gels made from aloe vera are also helpful.
- Honey and cinnamon powder mixed to make a paste could be applied and left overnight, wash the face next morning.
- A good face wash for curing acne is the paste of unboiled milk with gram flour.
- Lime juice mixed with a half glass of boiled milk is another remedy for acne.
- Orange peel powder mixed with gram flour and milk is also good face wash for acne.
- Applying ripe tomato paste on pimples also helps to get rid of acne.
Here, you can explore more on how to make your face acne less in just a few days only.
Read here about Laser Acne treatment.