Home Remedies for Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most awaited time period in every woman’s life. Women feel some types of complications in this period but swelling of feet is generally seen in about 60%-80% of ladies. The swelling is because of excessive fluid retention in the feet and in some cases due to improper blood circulation.

Home Remedies for Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy

Bitter Gourd

Take fresh bitter gourd and extract juice from it. Take 1-2 cups of this juice every morning with an empty stomach. If drink for 5-6 months it shows wonderful results.

It is one of the finest home remedies for swelling of feet during pregnancy. For those who are not able to drink juice because of its bitter taste, you can also add a tablespoon of lime juice to it. It not only makes taste better but also improves digestion properly. One of the superb home remedies for swelling of feet during pregnancy.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are used for the treatment of some skin-related problems. Soak 15-20 sesame seeds in a glass of water. Leave it overnight and the next morning; drink this decoction with an empty stomach.


Take a bowl of yogurt and prepare buttermilk from this. You can drink this 2-3 times a day because it is a healthy drink and also it acts wonderfully for swelling of feet during pregnancy patient. It also cleanses the toxins from the stomach and helps in digesting food. One of the useful home remedies for swelling of feet during pregnancy.


In a glass of water add 2 tablespoons of coriander seeds. Put over the flame and bring to boil till half of the whole mixture. You can try this wonderful home remedy for swelling of feet during pregnancy 2-3 times a day.

Lime Juice

Take a glass of lukewarm water. Now, add a tablespoon of fresh lime juice to it. You can drink this decoction every day. It is one of the easiest home remedies for swelling of feet during pregnancy.


Take some herb oil and massage your feet with that oil for about 5-10 minutes. This will ensure proper blood circulation and thus reduce swelling.

Vitamin E Food

Vitamin E food acts amazingly for the patients who are suffering from swelling of feet during pregnancy. The foods that are rich in Vitamin E are spinach, sunflower seeds, sweet potato, wheat germs, and almond oil.


If a pregnant lady walks every day for about ½ an hour then it makes the condition better. Also, it makes the feet moving and enhances proper blood circulation. This is a sure short method of preventing the accumulation of fluids in the feet.


Drinking water is helpful in overcoming many health-related issues. One should drink about 7-8 glasses of water daily and it is also recommended for pregnant ladies too. It not only keeps you hydrated but also helps to flush out extra toxins from the body.

Palm Sugar

In two cups of water, add a tablespoon of palm sugar. Also, put 2 tablespoons of fennel seeds into it. Brink the mixture to boil until it reduces to half of whole. You can have this 2-3 a day. It is one of the effective home remedies for swelling of feet during pregnancy.

Disclaimer: All information available here is for educational purposes only. We do not claim to cure, prevent or treat any disease or ailments. If you have a constant health state, your symptoms are rigorous or suspect you have a health problem. You should consult your health care provider.

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