Acne Solution

Though we are writing for a long time about acne scars, yet there is a lot of things, which haven’t been discussed yet, or can be said that has been hidden from us till now.

Well, what I believe is… better late than never. You must have known about it, no doubt we haven’t discussed it earlier. But now we are going to touch all those undiscussed chapters, we had left behind.

Firstly, if you have this problem, I mean acne problem you are very well aware of what it actually is.

Still, if there is someone who is not familiar with acne. So they can know now. Acne is a disorder of the skin that can be characterized by blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or any sort of scars and it can be seen on the face in most cases. But it can be found over the shoulders, back, neck, chest, or so on.

The start-up of acne appears with hair follicles including oil-secreting glands. Normally what happens… oil releases from these glands and comes on the surface of the skin from pores.

Because of increasing, sebum enlarges sebaceous glands and the result comes in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples.

Acne scars can be seen in most people. As it is thought that usually it has been seen in teenagers only. But that is not true these days. Adult acne is more common than teenager ones and it is affecting 95% population too in their adulthood.

Now after having vast knowledge let’s have turned to the causes of acne. Yes, that is highly important as if you are not aware of causes, how can you measure the intensity and seriousness of your disease. Moreover, the cure is not possible without knowing the cause. So let’s have a look even a detailed look over the causes of acne.

There are many wrong assumptions about acne, as people merely assume some facts. Causes acne, and the funny thing is those are not really caused acne scars, let me clear your doubted acne causes once.

Eatable doesn’t cause acne

Yup, it’s true that fried food or any type of sweets or chocolates does not cause acne scars, though it is not healthy, but is not responsible for the production of acne in any way.

Acne Can’t be Washed

Usually, people get too desperate with acne that they start scrubbing or washing their face twice thrice or more, so better for your knowledge that it doesn’t affect in curing your scars but it will surely irritate the skin.


If you think, that these scars are contagious and can enter by any random one’s approach then you’re totally wrong, as it can’t be adopted in this way. Certainly, it can come to you through your parents, but not from any random unknown one.

Stop Squeezing Pimples

Well, probably your pimples or acne problem is irritating, and for its result, you use to scrub your pimple, then do remind this thing that it can cause scarring and increasing the time to clearing off the acne problem.

Don’t medicate Acne By Your Own

Yes, it is highly advised that to cure acne you should consult. Some qualified dermatologists or any doctor, because it’s a medical problem and can be sorted out only by a medically qualified doctor not by yourself.

So here we have almost cleared all your misleading assumptions, and now you can see, from long how you have been moving in the wrong direction. We are glad that we have got this chance to wash out all the wrong assumptions from your life about acne.

Now, let’s have a look at the real major causes of acne, and after treating them you can easily get rid of these horrible scary scars in meantime.

1. Hormones

In ordinary words, acne is considered to be a hormonal disease. As hormones are caused by the maturation of the oil glands in the skin. Usually, in our lifetime, many a time hormones get imbalanced as puberty, pregnancy, menopause and much other time depends on person to person.

In scientific words, it can be said that these scars can effectuate by androgen’s, male hormones found in both men and women.

Usually, this type of acne has been seen among women because of their natural circle, like menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, and for this, doctors recommend low-dose birth control pills or androgen receptor blockers.

2. Diet

For producing acne, diet is not the major cause. But certainly, some kind of food really affects increasing these scars.

Food directly affects on body’s insulin level and all hormones really attach to it, including androgen’s. That is we have already cleared that hormonal fluctuation in androgen levels can cause acne to rise up.

So it is better to have the right food. For this purpose better to eat fruits, veggies, seafood, grass-fed meat, etc, as it stabilizes the insulin level.

3. Stress

The most stubborn cause of acne in today’s time is stress, yes, taking too much stress can produce acne. Stress can weaken the walls of pores and sometimes can break them too. When it occurs body gets redness around the damaged pores.

Sometimes when stress experiences, get increased and a high level of androgen can result in acne.

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