Bleeding Hemorrhoids, If your answer is a ‘yes, you’re most probably stricken with hemorrhoids, which have reached the stage where it starts to bleed.
The release of blood, either internally or externally, is the main symptom of the disease. This definitely signals that you’re afflicted with a disease, which may give deadly results if not treated quickly and properly.
Bleeding hemorrhoids are quite common but also not all patients with hemorrhoids do bleed. It depends upon person to person and one’s internal body specifications.
There are basically two types of hemorrhoids and any of them may result in bleeding. Bleeding hemorrhoids are far more serious hence if you’re stricken with it, you should look for treatment just now otherwise the condition may exacerbate and start affecting your life as well as work.
In addition to the treatments, it is also important to know the causes of the disease as they say prevention is far better than the cure.
Among the main causes are- pregnancy unsafe anal intercourse; excessive intake of alcohol and caffeine; more than usual pressure on the rectal veins; constipation and stress, etc.
There are millions of people who suffer from it silently. If you or any of your relatives or known persons are suffering from hemorrhoids, you’ve reached the right place.
This is a kind of disease in which people feel embarrassed. Don’t think you’re alone. This was a very common disease and here we are with the solution for it.