Normally people adopt an allergy with various symptoms as if I am having an allergy to any particular thing, it doesn’t mean you too will have allergy with the particular thing, it’s all depend upon person to person, how their body reacts to one particular thing.
I would like to clear my view with my personal experience, as whenever I use to eat soybean, it makes me ill as I can’t digest beans in any way. Thus, you can say I have an allergy to soybean.
But it has been seen that people usually love soybean and it is quite beneficial too for health. But not in my case, thus you can see as I am having an allergy to soybean, it doesn’t mean you too have an allergy or it is an allergic ingredient.
Basically, allergy consists of our immune system as it involves an exaggerated result to it. So, it is not consisted to any particular age, as in every age people can develop an allergy. But more often the risk of allergy is too related to our parents’ allergy history.
I would love to clear this point, as by this I mean to say, if your parents have symptoms of allergy or they are suffering from any sort of allergy, there are huge chances to be allergic for you as well.
At the time when it comes into contact with the body, it affects the immune system to grow an allergic reaction in people who have issues of allergy.
According to some studies, it refers to both immune systems whether it is useful or harmful hypersensitivity is called allergy. Roughly it is said to be an altered reaction or you can say it is an unexpected changed reactivity.