Modern Hindu boy names starting with U

Here we have made a list of  Modern Hindu boy names starting with U. And we hope you will like the name for your newborn child from this list.

When the child is born, a wave of happiness runs from parents to family members. And everyone starts calling the newborn by their respective names.

But it is a way to show everyone’s love. The real test begins when the baby boy’s name search begins.

Every parent wants the baby’s name to be very cute and different. Which is also easy to call and has a very good meaning.

Because of these problems, we have made a list of boy names starting with U here. Which will make it easier for you to find the name. And you can choose a good name with its meaning.

If you like any of the names in this list. So please be sure to tell us what name it is by writing it in a comment. And share this list with your friends.

List of Boy names starting with U

NameMeaning of NameGender
UjjagarBright, reveal, illuminateBoy
UjendraThe winnerBoy
UchitSuitable, CorrectBoy
UgreshLord ShivaBoy
UjjwalLight, clean, white, radiantBoy
UjjainAn ancient Indian cityBoy
Uttambest in qualitiesBoy
UttameshLord ShivaBoy
UtsahCourage, powerful, energeticBoy
UttrakLord ShivaBoy
UdayAscending, prosperity, rising of the sunBoy
UcchtaPowerful growing, raisedBoy
UddhavElevating, festival, happiness, a friend of Lord KrishnaBoy
UnmaadCheerful, happyBoy
UpkaarFavor, Kindness, JewelryBoy
UpdeshKnowledge, speechBoy
UpnidhiA deposit, a ray of lightBoy
UpamFirst of allBoy
UdhyamThe actionBoy
UpvanSmall gardenBoy
UpendraAnother name for VishnuBoy
UmanandaLord ShivaBoy
UmeshShiva’s nameBoy
UmeshwarLord ShivaBoy
Uday RajRising King, Lord of the StarsBoy
UdayabhanRising sunBoy
UdhyamDiligence, preparation, perseveranceBoy
UdayRising, blue lotusBoy
UditAwake, shinyBoy
UjjvalGenius, Attractive, SunshineBoy
Uma ShankarLord Shiva, Parvati, and ShivaBoy
UmakantLord Shiva, Husband of goddess UmaBoy
UmangEnthusiasm, desire, trustBoy
UtkarshProgress – to increaseBoy
UtpalLotus blossomBoy

We hope you liked one of the boy names starting with U Hindu. If you have chosen a name for your child’s name, then what is that name?

Please tell us by commenting, in addition, if you want to suggest any name, then do write to us.

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