Amazing Hindu girl names starting with I (2022)

Keeping in mind that the first letter of the name is very important, we have made a list of Hindu girl names starting with i. To make it easier for you to find a name for your dear baby girl.

When the baby girl is born, it is said that Lakshmi Ji is in the house. And everyone starts calling the newborn by their respective names.

But it is a way to show everyone’s love. The real test begins when the girl’s name search begins.

Every parent wants their beloved name to be very cute and different. Which is also easy to call and has a very good meaning.

In view of these problems, we have made a list of girls’ names starting with i. Which will make it easier for you to find your baby girl’s name. And you can choose a girl name with its meaning.

If you like any of the names in this list. So please be sure to tell us what name it is by writing it in a comment. And share this list with your friends.

List of Hindu girl names starting with I

NameMeaning of NameGender
IndraGoddess LakshmiGirl
Indu RekhaA creeperGirl
Indra KantaIndraniGirl
Indra PriyaBlue lotusGirl
Indra BalaDaughter of IndraGirl
IndrabhaLight of IndraGirl
IndrayaniWife of IndraGirl
IndrashaktiEnergy of IndraGirl
IcchumatiA riverGirl
Idathis momentGirl
IndukalaMoon phasesGirl
Indu KanataSweet night of the moonGirl
IndujaAnother name for the moon’s daughter Narmada RiverGirl
Indu PrabhaMoon raysGirl
Hindu girl names starting with I 2021
IndumatiFull moon, fairGirl
IndumaThe moonGirl
IndumukhiFace with moon-likeGirl
IraSpeech, earthGirl
IravatiLightning, Ravi RiverGirl
IlaEarth, speechGirl
IlishaQueen of the earthGirl
Hindu girl names starting with I 2022
IshanaGoddess DurgaGirl
IswariGoddess ParvatiGirl
IshaGoddess ParvatiGirl
IshaniGoddess DurgaGirl
IshaniGoddess ParvatiGirl
IshikaAn arrowGirl
IshitaDesired, superiorityGirl
IsiAnother name for Goddess DurgaGirl
IswargeetaSongs of godGirl
IswapreetBeloved of godGirl
Ishmitathe personalityGirl
Indu KalaMoon digitGirl
Indra MohiniIndra fascinatedGirl
Indra SenaThe eldest of the Pandavas, Indra’s armyGirl
Indumatifull moonGirl

We hope you liked one of the Hindu girl names starting with i. If you have chosen any of these names for your child, then what is that name? Please tell us by commenting, in addition, if you want to suggest any name, then do write to us.  

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