Modern Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting With Y 2022

Here we have made a list of  Modern Hindu baby boy names starting with Y. And we hope you will like the name for your newborn child from this list.

When the child is born, a wave of happiness runs from parents to family members. And everyone starts calling the newborn by their respective names.

But it is a way to show everyone’s love. The real test begins when the baby boy name search begins.

Every parent wants the baby’s name to be very cute and different. Which is also easy to call and has a very good meaning.

Because of these problems, we have made a list of boy names starting with Y here. Which will make it easier for you to find the name. And you can choose a good name with its meaning.

If you like any of the names in this list. So please be sure to tell us what name it is by writing it in a comment. And share this list with your friends.

NameMeaning of NameGenderReligion
YogeshBest among yogis, Lord Krishna, Lord of YogaBoyHindu
YuvrajYoung, heir, princeBoyHindu
YuvaYoung, teenager, teensBoyHindu
YuvanMoon, Lord Shiva, YouthBoyHindu
YatinDevotee, asceticBoyHindu
YogyaQuality, perfect, capable of doing somethingBoyHindu
YashFame, success, victory, reputationBoyHindu
YashpalGuard of fame, savior of fameBoyHindu
YograjLord Shiva, asceticBoyHindu
YogendraGod of yogaBoyHindu
YashveerBrave, proudBoyHindu
YogiDevotee, another name of Lord Shiva, is religious, asceticBoyHindu
YudhveerA brave fighter, Lord Krishna, braveBoyHindu
YogitFocusing, Female DiscipleBoyHindu
YugendraGod, Lord IndraBoyHindu
YagyaPooja, a sacred ceremony, sacrificeBoyHindu
YogeshwarSon of VasudevBoyHindu
YuhanSlave freerBoyHindu
YugeshGod of yogaBoyHindu
YuvadhLord Shri KrishnaBoyHindu
YoshitCool, youngBoyHindu
YogendarGod of yogaBoyHindu
YoganathGod of yogaBoyHindu
YogdevGod of yogaBoyHindu
YatindraA name of Indra dev, monkBoyHindu
YashvardhanFame, goodwillBoyHindu
YashjeetVictory, A great victoryBoyHindu
YuvanshYoung generationBoyHindu
YugTime, AgeBoyHindu
YatishLord of devoteesBoyHindu
Hindu baby boy names starting with Y 2022
YunayAnother Name For Lord GaneshaBoyHindu
Yujyaconnected, related, capableBoyHindu
Yugantardifference between erasBoyHindu
YuganYouth, Lord MuruganBoyHindu
YuditPraise, NaughtyBoyHindu
YudhajitVictor in warBoyHindu
YogishGod of YogaBoyHindu
YadukumaraLord KrishnaBoyHindu
YadunathLord KrishnaBoyHindu
YadurajLord KrishnaBoyHindu
YaduvirLord KrishnaBoyHindu
YagneshReligious LeaderBoyHindu
YagyaPalProtector of yajnaBoyHindu
YagyeshLord Vishnu, sunBoyHindu
YajA SageBoyHindu
YakshitWho is Made Forever, PermanentBoyHindu
YanchitGlorified, GloryBoyHindu
Yashil SuccessBoyHindu
YashveerGlorious and BraveBoyHindu
YashrajKing of fame, Success, GloryBoyHindu
YogdeepUpdate SoonBoyHindu
YatikUpdate SoonBoyHindu
YakshRepresentative of GodBoyHindu
YugveerBrave GenerationBoyHindu
YuganshPart of universeBoyHindu
YashwinLord Krishna, The Raising of SunBoyHindu

We hope you liked one of the Hindu baby boy names starting with Y. If you have chosen a name for your child’s name, then what is that name?

Please tell us by commenting, in addition, if you want to suggest any name, then do write to us.

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