Sensitivity in teeth is a common problem of teeth that increases over time. This is due to the rubbing of the gums and teeth of the animal.
This problem begins to grow when the enamel gets scratched and the soft part of the inside of the teeth reaches’ Danteine.
Danteine is enamel and is located under the gums.
When the dentine comes out, then external things such as cold drinks or ice cream, etc.
stimulate the nerves inside the teeth and you have the sensitivity to the tooth with a feeling of cold and hot.
Know the myths and truths related to the sensitivity of teeth.
Delusion 1: The sensitivity of teeth is from cavities.
Truth: This happens rarely. Not in every case. Deterioration of teeth leads to sensitivity, but sensitivity can also occur without teeth rotten.
The sensitivity of teeth is predominantly when the teeth are lost and the soft tissue comes out.
Delusion 2: Sensitivity is only by eating sweet.
Truth: Whenever a dentist comes in contact with a hot, cold, sweet or salted person, stimulates the nerves to feel the sensation.
Delusion 3: The sensitivity of teeth remains for some time only.
Truth: Sensitivity keeps coming, but if the sensitivity of the teeth is not treated, it interferes with your daily life.
The sensitivity of teeth is caused by coming out of the dentine, which can also be permanent as there is no living cell in the enamel.
Delusion 4: Brushing after eating is a good habit.
Truth: Brushing is good not only for teeth but also for your gums and tongue.
But after eating or drinking, the outer layer of your teeth becomes soft for some time.
By brushing immediately after eating or drinking, this acid worn down the enamel and break it and increase sensitivity.
So brush at least half an hour after eating and drink so that saliva has time to naturally depress the acid.
Delusion 5: No cure for problem of sensitivities
Truth: Care of sensitive teeth is important. On the basis of what is the cause of sensitivity, dentists recommend special desiccating toothpaste or alternative methods to remove sensitivity.
Delusion 6: The time does not affect the sensitivity of teeth.
Truth: Sensitivity increases with the continuous wear of the teeth.
Once the dentist comes out, the sensation associated with eating habits increases.
Delusion 7: Toothpaste treating sensitivity should sometimes be used as supplements of regular toothpaste or otherwise.
Truth: To improve the sensitization caused by dental sensitivity, regular toothpaste used should be replaced with such toothpaste, which is designed to provide comfort in this condition.
How to maintain good oral habits: brush twice a day for at least two minutes daily. The brush should not run very loud or fast.
- Floss regularly
- Apply mouthwash
- Chew sugar free chewing gum
- Clear your tongue
- Rinse the grains properly and remove them
- Eat crispy vegetables
- Do not rubbing teeth
- Do not take acidic food or drink.