Medical experts have been twisting their heads for a long time to know the exact answer to this question, but so far no solid illustration has been put forward.
But during the intense study of blood pressure, it has been noticed that in most of the high blood pressure cases, below mentioned have been the cause:
- Smoking- It doesn’t just harm your lungs but also escalates your blood pressure.
- Overweight- It has been well said, “Overweight is the gateway to several biological problems”. It also makes your blood pressure go up.
- Excessive intake of salt- Our body needs salt, but when we take an excessive amount of salt, our liver doesn’t accept it. Then the excessive salt goes to the blood. Salt is hydro phallic. It attracts water, resulting in high blood pressure.
- Alcohol consumption- If more than 1-2 drinks are consumed in a single day for a long time, then it may lead to high blood pressure.
- Stress- One of the most important causes of high blood pressure.
- Hereditary issues- If your parents have it, you may also have it in you because of genetic transmission.
- Older age- It has often been seen that in elderly age, people suffer from high blood pressure.
Now, as you’re aware of the most common cause of blood pressure, you must take care of them.