12 Effective Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are small white spots that occur inside the cheek, tongue, and near the lip area. Medically those are known by the name ‘canker sores’.

It is basically not very harmful but in severe conditions, the patient becomes unable to eat, drink and even talk but you don’t worry as you can get rid of problems with home remedies for mouth ulcers mentioned below:

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is very effective for mouth ulcers you can massage the gums with coconut milk and honey three times a day to get great benefits.


Guava is a rich source of Vitamin c and an efficient home remedy for mouth ulcers too. Take some fresh leaves of guava along with some catechu leaves. Chew them well and continue the process for some days as it is an effective remedy for mouth ulcers.

Tomato Juice

The juice of tomato is beneficial for mouth ulcers so take it as your daily diet. You can also gargle with tomato juice 2-3 times a day.

Orange juice

Orange juice is rich in Vitamin C and you can get the maximum benefit from that fruit if you are having mouth ulcers. You can drink a glass of fresh orange juice 2-3 times a day as it is helpful to provide a sufficient amount of vitamin c to the body and deficiency of Vitamin C is the prime reason for having mouth ulcers.


Turmeric is valuable as precious gold, it provides a large number of health benefits, and also it is effective in treating mouth ulcers. Take a pinch of turmeric and mix a tablespoon of glycerin in it. Now, apply this paste over the ulcers. This is one of the finest home remedies for mouth ulcers.

Indian Berry

Indian berry is the best home remedy for mouth ulcers. Take some fresh leaves of berry and crush them well. Add some water to it and leave it overnight. The next morning, gargle your mouth with that water. You can also apply the juice of Indian berry over ulcers as it helps to heal them quickly.

Indian Plum

To relieve the pain of canker sores take some leaves of Indian plum and soak them in water for the whole night. Use that water to gargle the next morning as it is the simplest home remedy for mouth ulcers.


Take some catechu and mix it in water till it becomes pasty steady. Now, you can apply this paste over mouth ulcers. This is another good Home Remedy for Mouth Ulcers.

Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Take about 5-6 leaves of holy basil, now chew them properly. Now, sip some water over it. It will definitely relieve the burning sensation of mouth ulcers.

Coriander Seeds

Take some water and add coriander seeds to it. Boil it over medium flame, if it brings to boil then leave it for some time until it reaches a lukewarm temperature. It is a wonderful home remedy for mouth ulcers.

Fenugreek Tea

Prepare tea with fenugreek and now gargle your mouth with that water. To make fenugreek tea take a glass of water and add some fenugreek leaves to it. Leave it over a flame to make it boil.


Take a banana and mix it with curd and consume it. It is a valuable dessert and also cures mouth ulcers.

Disclaimer: All information available here is for educational purposes only. We do not claim to cure, prevent or treat any disease or ailments. If you have a constant health state, your symptoms are rigorous or suspect you have a health problem, you should consult your health care provider.

1 thought on “12 Effective Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers”

  1. Tulsi leaves are known for their medicinal properties and have been used for centuries. Chew a few fresh leaves, and then drink some water to help you swallow them. They’re a little sour, but they might work.


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