First come pimples and now these scars as reminder! This seems to be true with many of us.
Acne is a skin problem, which attacks people normally in their teenage or twenties! There are various reasons, which count to acne and also there are various treatments, which may help you get rid of the problem and scars left.
Unhealthy routines, fast foods, stress, pollution- these all first result in acne and successively scars & damaged skin.
Acne is not a problem in itself actually, as it comes and goes with time in most of the cases. While many of the people recover from it naturally without any type of treatment, some are left with blemishing scars. Scars wreck one’s appearance thus the real need is to get rid of them in order to have a clear, fair and healthy skin.
Here a few tips, which may help you, fight back with those annoying and blemishing acne scars:
- Avoid exposure to sunlight. This delays healing hence use a good sunscreen lotion before stepping out.
- Drink plenty of water. This helps to fight against acne scars. Not only this, drinking water also results in skin-glow.
- Avoid market foods such as pizzas, burgers, hotdogs, fries etc. etc as these are the worst enemies of your skin.
- Pollution is another factor. Although it doesn’t result in acne directly but causes blackheads and whiteheads which may later lead to acne.
- Get up early and sleep early too. Improving your routines also helps fight back with this skin problem and various other as well.
For more information on how to get rid of acne scars, read here!