Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble vitamins, which increase the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.
Vitamin D deficiency can cause diseases like sluggishness, tiredness, osteoporosis, heart disease, stress, joint pain, muscle weakness, cancer, and type-2 diabetes.
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Morning Sunshine
The rays of the sun are the best source of vitamin D but never stand in the sun, which is wrong. Only lukewarm sunlight in the morning is beneficial for health. Also, skin problems also stay away.
Let us now tell you about some foods that can help you to overcome the deficiency of Vitamin D in the body.
What amount is required to be taken?
Vitamin D levels should be up to 50 ng / mL in a healthy person. Although there is a normal range between 20 to 50 ng / mL, doctors consider 50 as the best. If the level is less than 25, take a vitamin D supplement with the doctor’s advice.
Dairy Products
Consumption of dairy products like milk, curd, butter, and cheese, etc. also cater to the deficiency of vitamin D in the body.
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Dry Fruits
You can also use dry fruits such as almonds, raisins, dates, figs, walnuts, etc. to meet vitamin D deficiency.
Whole Grains
Include whole grains in your breakfast. Consuming it daily does not allow vitamin D deficiency in the body.
Fish – source of vitamin D
Eat salmon and tuna fish in the diet to meet vitamin D deficiency. Also, it will reduce the risk of diseases like cancer.
Vitamin D is also found in orange juice. A glass of orange juice contains about 8 ounces (1 ounce = 31.10 grams) of vitamin D. But take its fresh juice only.
You can also take carrots or their juice to meet the vitamin-D deficiency. Apart from this, take green vegetables like spinach, beans, broccoli, cucumber into your diet.
Cod liver oil
Cod liver oil is rich in vitamin D. One teaspoon of cod liver oil contains 1,300 IUs of vitamin D. This strengthens the bones as well as the immune system.